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加入日期: Apr 2003
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這是今天清晨的消息......From the forum of grid.org
All Good Things Come To An End…

With seven years and five projects under its belt, Grid.org has successfully completed its mission: To evangelize the benefits (and demonstrate the viability and security) of large-scale Internet-based grid computing. Therefore, it is with great pride for all the accomplishments of this pioneering resource, and above all with the utmost gratitude to each of our members around the globe, that we announce Grid.org will be retiring on Friday, April 27, 2007.

We'll be making a public announcement on the site later this week, but we felt it was important to give you, our loyal member base, an early heads-up out of respect for the years of support you've given to Grid.org. This way you'll have time to gather final statistics, exchange contact info, and prepare for the official shutdown.

What exactly is happening:
At 12:00 noon Central Time on Friday, April 27, Grid.org will retire: Jobs will stop running, forums will be closed, and the website will be updated to reflect the retired status of this resource. We will leave the actual servers up for 1 week, so agent messages about this action can continue to be sent to members around the globe who might not check forums regularly. We will also leave the Stats up for one week so you have plenty of time to gather this data. After that, only the Home and Projects pages will remain, along with the instructions for uninstalling the agent ( http://www.grid.org/help/faq_uninstalling_agent.htm ).

Grid.org has completed its established mission to prove the benefits and viability of Internet-based grid computing. Grid.org was the largest and most ambitious public interest grid venture ever attempted when it was conceived – and thanks to Grid.org (and more specifically to all of you), today such a grid is no longer a novelty. Many public grids are now available, sponsored by large organizations better positioned to provide support to millions of member volunteers and the scientists who leverage their processing power. So, with the underlying technologies now well established globally in both public and private research programs, Grid.org's goal of establishing the underlying technology has been achieved.

But what about…
We realize that over the past few months, Grid.org has made several announcements about upgrades coming in anticipation of a couple of new projects that we were working on. While we were fairly optimistic about these projects being launched, they ultimately fell through for a number of reasons. We realize that many of you had looked forward to participating in a beta program ahead of launching these projects, and we're sorry you won't have that opportunity.

Moving on: Where to go from here?
It's clear from your years of loyalty to Grid.org that Internet-based research projects of this kind are important to you… and so we're sure many of you will take your valuable resources to other projects of this kind that are ready and willing to accept you as new members.

Below are just a few of the projects we encourage you to investigate:
> World Community Grid ( http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ ), operated by IBM
> Distributed.net ( http://www.distributed.net/ ), operated by distributed.net
> Compute Against Cancer ( http://www.computeagainstcancer.org/ ), operated by National Cancer Institute
> Folding@Home ( http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/ ), operated by Stanford University
> fightAIDS@Home ( http://fightaidsathome.scripps.edu/ ), operated by Olson Lab at Scripps Research Institute
> LHC@home ( http://athome.web.cern.ch/athome/ ), operated by CERN
> Distributed Folding ( http://www.distributedfolding.org/ ), operated by a group of partners including Hogue Bioinformatics Research Lab, Mount Sinai Hospital, and University of Toronto
> SETI@home ( http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ ), operated by University of California at Berkeley

Also, here are a few great sites to visit to learn more about these and other projects:

> http://enterthegrid.com/
> http://gridcafe.web.cern.ch/gridcaf...jects/fora.html
> http://www.ogf.org/
> http://www.grid.org.il/

Uninstalling the agent
The agent will no longer be processing work after Friday at noon, so you will want to uninstall it from your home device. Here's how: http://www.grid.org/help/faq_uninstalling_agent.htm . Some more explicit instructions, including Troubleshooting, will be posted online Friday when Grid.org actually retires.

Last but not least
As we've tried to emphasize not only in this announcement but throughout our years of operations, we are fully aware of the debt of gratitude we owe to all of you, our loyal members.

The excellent work Grid.org has done, both in contributing massive research power to critical health research and in establishing this kind of research as viable, would not have been possible without your faith, efforts, and donations of compute power and goodwill. There is no superlative high enough to describe the value we place on your ongoing support for Grid.org, and so we simply say Thank you, and we hope you feel as proud as we do of the work you've done.
====Maverick Wu, M.D.====
Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C
(Republic of Casino?!)

舊 2007-04-26, 01:36 PM #421
Basic Member

加入日期: Oct 2004
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舊 2007-04-26, 03:10 PM #422
Senior Member

加入日期: Nov 2003
您的住址: TAIWAN,台中
文章: 1,265


以七年和五個項目在它的傳送帶之下, Grid.org 成功地完成了它的使命: 傳福音好處(和展示生活能力和安全) 的大規模基於網際網路的柵格計算。所以, 它是充滿偉大的自豪感為這種作早期工作在的資源的所有成就, 和高於一切以最大謝意對每個我們的成員世界各地, 在星期五, 我們宣佈Grid.org 退休, 2007 年4月27 日。

我們本週末做一次公告在站點, 但我們感到它重要給您, 我們忠誠的成員基地, 早期頭出於尊敬您提供了Grid.org 的年支持。這樣您將有時間會集最後的統計, 交換聯絡資訊, 和為正式停工做準備。

在星期五在12:00 中午中部時間, Grid.org 4月27 日, 將退休: 工作將停止運行, 論壇將是閉合的, 並且網站將被更新反射這種資源的退休的狀況。我們將留下實際伺服器在1 個星期, 因此代理消息關於這次行動可能繼續世界各地寄發到成員誰也許通常不檢查論壇。我們並且將留下Stats 在一個星期因此您有大量時刻會集這資料。在那以後, 唯一家和項目頁將保留, 與指示一起為uninstalling 代理( http://www.grid.org/help/faq_uninstalling_agent.htm ) 。

Grid.org 完成它的建立的使命證明基於網際網路的柵格計算的好處和生活能力。Grid.org 是最大和最雄心勃勃的公共利益柵格事業曾經試圖當它被設想了- 和由於Grid.org (和更加具體地對你們大家), 這樣柵格不再今天是新奇。許多公開柵格現在是可利用的, 由大組織主辦更好被安置提供支持對成千上萬支持他們的處理能力的成員志願者和科學家。如此, 以部下的技術現在源遠流長全球性在公開和私有研究方案, 建立部下的技術的Grid.org's 目標達到了。

我們意識到, 在過去幾個月, Grid.org 做了幾個公告關於升級來預期我們研究的兩三個新項目。當我們是相當樂觀的關於這些項目被發射, 他們最後失敗了為一定數量的原因。我們意識到, 你們大家盼望參加一個beta 節目在開始這些項目之前, 並且我們很抱歉您不會有那個機會。

行動: 何處去從這裡?
它是確切從您的歲月忠誠對Grid.org, 這種類基於網際網路的研究計劃是重要對您... 和因此我們是肯定的你們大家將採取您可貴的資源對準備好的其它項目這種類並且願接受您作為新成員。

> 世界公共柵格( http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ ), 由IBM 管理
> Distributed.net ( http://www.distributed.net/ ), 由distributed.net 管理
> 估計反對巨蟹星座( http://www.computeagainstcancer.org/ ), 由National Cancer 學院管理
> Folding@Home ( http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/ ), 由斯坦福大學管理
> fightAIDS@Home ( http://fightaidsathome.scripps.edu/ ), 由Olson Lab 管理在Scripps 研究所
> LHC@home ( http://athome.web.cern.ch/athome/ ), 由CERN 管理
> 分佈的可摺疊( http://www.distributedfolding.org/ ), 由一個小組夥伴管理包括Hogue Bioinformatics 研究實驗室、登上西奈醫院, 和多倫多大學
> SETI@home ( http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ ), 由加州大學管理在柏克來

並且, 這幾個偉大的站點參觀學會更多關於這些和其它項目:

> http://enterthegrid.com/
> http://gridcafe.web.cern.ch/gridcaf...jects/fora.html
> http://www.ogf.org/
> http://www.grid.org.il/

Uninstalling 代理
代理不再將是處理工作在星期五以後在中午, 因此您將想要uninstall 它從您的家庭設備。這怎麼: http://www.grid.org/help/faq_uninstalling_agent.htm 。有些明確指示, 包括查明故障, 網上星期五將被張貼當Grid.org 實際上退休。

因為我們設法強調不僅在這個公告但在我們的歲月操作過程中, 我們充分地意識到我們欠對你們大家謝意的債務, 我們忠誠的成員。

優秀工作Grid.org 像可實行做了, 在貢獻巨型的研究力量對重要健康研究和在建立這种研究, 不會是可能的沒有估計力量和信譽的您的信念、努力, 和捐贈。沒有最好的足夠高描述我們安置在您持續的支持對於Grid.org 的價值, 和因此我們簡單地說感謝您, 並且我們希望您感覺一樣驕傲像我們您完成了的做工作。

Grid.org 隊

嗨,一起加入 WCG 運算吧
請加入 PCDVD WCG團隊 & 咱們 PCDVD WCG團隊簽到處
舊 2007-04-27, 02:18 AM #423




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