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加入日期: Jan 2003
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Inquisitor (審判長)

製造商 Builder: Roberts Space Industries – Kadaeux’s Forge Skunkworks Division

最大乘員數:7 Crew (max): 7

船重(空船) Mass (empty):

用途:重火力船,對空、對輕型主力船支援 Focus: Heavy Gunship, Anti-fighter anti-Light Capital Support.

The Inquisitor is a very heavy Gunship and a nasty piece of work, however it sacrifices missile payload for a larger number of guns from its four dual railgun mounts on class 4 turrets to its 4 fixed-fowards heavy railguns for anti-capital work. The Inquisitor is heavy and lumbering in most circumstances its four turrets designed to deal with almost any fighter or bomber that tries to pick a fight with it and its forward-facing weaponry for dealing with heavier foes.
Interestingly is a design feature it shares with the other Kadaeux’s Forge Skunkworks is an almost identical cockpit and a unique collar that closes over the boarding hatch and escape pod to armour them against attack.

升級空間:4 Upgrade Capacity: 4

貨艙容量:15噸 (如果把軌道砲移除,改成貨倉可增加到40噸) Cargo Capacity: 15 tonnes (40 if Anti-Capital Railguns replaced with Cargo space.)

引擎: Engine-

改裝空間:2 Modifiers: 2

最大等級:核融合, 可以升級反物質 Max. Class: Fusion, Can be Upgraded for Anti-Matter

噴嘴:--Thrusters: —


4 x Class 1: Equipped 1 x Associated Science and Development Anti-Capital Railguns
1 x Class 3: 6 Talon Missiles.
5 x Class 4: 4 Equipped with 2 x Associated Science and Development Railguns, 1 Equipped with 4 x Behring M3A Laser Cannon

Judge (法官)

製造商: Builder: Roberts Space Industries – Kadaeux’s Forge Skunkworks Division

最大乘員數: Crew (max): 3

船重(空船):Mass (empty):

用途:轟炸機 Focus: Pure Bomber
The Judge is an unusual top-heavy design exclusively designed for throwing a LOT of torpedoes at a capital target in a very short span of time, mostly to prevent close-in-weapons-systems from being able to shoot them all down in time. For defending itself it has a pair of heavy gatling cannons and a pair of light automated lasers turrets, however despite these a Judge is truly in trouble if it has to fight off a fighter attack unescorted.
Interestingly is a design feature it shares with the other Kadaeux’s Forge Skunkworks is an almost identical cockpit and a unique collar that closes over the boarding hatch and escape pod to armour them against attack.

升級空間:2 Upgrade Capacity: 2

貨艙容量:30噸 Cargo Capacity: 30 tonnes

引擎: Engine-

改裝空間:2Modifiers: 2

最大等級:核融合, 可以升級反物質 Max. Class: Fusion, Can be Upgraded for Anti-Matter

噴嘴:--Thrusters: —
2 x Class 1: Equipped 1 x Associated Science and Development “Gatling Cannons”
1 x Class 3: 22 Talon Torpedoes
2 x Class 4: Equipped with 1 x Behring M3A Laser Cannon


說真的,這兩艘船都不好看 ^^; ,不過火力沒話說。審判長Class4的砲塔竟然有四座軌道砲,威力應該不容小覷。

另外法官的前端是兩管[蓋特火"砲"]←不是小管徑的,是大管徑的 XD,雖然官方說明最好要有護衛機,不過我想沒飛行員想到正面挨一發吧
舊 2012-12-02, 01:46 PM #29