Andy84 v.2
Junior Member

加入日期: Apr 2014
文章: 786


White Rabbit是愛麗絲夢遊仙境中的白兔子。這是一首很夭壽的歌,創作者是樂團的主唱(Grace Slick),也是後來Starship樂團的成員。她雖外型清純,但本身就是一條女毒蟲。她用了童話故事「愛麗絲夢遊仙境」來比喻自己,可能是希望聽的人不小心以為她本來天真無邪,還順便美化了「吸食毒品」這件事。人走到這步田地,仍沒有勇氣面對自己,實在是有點悲哀。

White Rabbit
原唱者:Jefferson Airplane

One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small

And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall

Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar has given you the call

And call Alice, when she was just small

When the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go

And you've just had some kind of mushroom, and your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice, I think she'll know

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead

And the white knight is talking backwards

And the red queen's off with her head

Remember what the dormouse said

Feed your head, feed your head

還有House of Gucci的預告曲也是...


Blondie - Heart Of Glass 金髮美女 - 玻璃心

我個人認為此首歌說出的真理是底下兩句, 放諸四海而皆準

What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine 我所在找的愛是快樂的和感覺很好的
Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind 愛卻是如此讓人迷惑, 心情永遠不會平靜

同樣一首歌經過改編與不同人演唱, 有截然不同的風格, 泳裝美女有沒有是其次

Blondie - Heart Of Glass 玻璃心

[Verse 1]

Once I had a love and it was a gas 曾經我擁有愛情然而它原來是空氣
Soon turned out had a heart of glass 很快變成有一顆玻璃心
Seemed like the real thing, only to find 似乎是這真的愛情, 只能去尋找
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind 非常不信任的愛情在後面走遠了

Once I had a love and it was divine 曾經我有過愛情而且陷的非常的深
Soon found out I was losing my mind 很快地發現我已經喪失心智
It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind 似乎像真的一樣, 但是我是如此盲目
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind 非常不信任的愛情在後面走遠了


In between 在這之間
What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine 我所在找的愛是快樂的和感覺很好的
Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind 愛卻是如此讓人迷惑, 心情永遠不會平靜
If I fear I'm losing you it's just no good 假如我害怕失去妳, 這非常不好
You teasing like you do 妳愛哭就去哭吧

[Verse 2]

Once I had a love and it was a gas 曾經我擁有愛情然而它原來是空氣
Soon turned out had a heart of glass 很快地變成一顆玻璃心
Seemed like the real thing, only to find 似乎是這真的愛情, 只能去尋找
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind 非常不信任的愛情在後面走遠了


Lost inside 內心失落
Adorable illusion and I cannot hide 可愛的幻想而且我無法隱藏
I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside 我是你在使用的, 請不要把我推旁邊
We coulda made it cruising, yeah 我們不能讓愛情毀壞, yeah


Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light 騎上高處, 在愛是真的淺藍光上

[Verse 3]

Once I had a love and it was a gas 曾經我擁有愛情然而它原來是空氣
Soon turned out had a heart of glass 很快地變成一顆玻璃心
Seemed like the real thing only to find 似乎是這真的愛情, 只能去尋找
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind 非常不信任的愛情走到後面了

舊 2021-09-10, 07:54 PM #19
Andy84 v.2離線中