
加入日期: Aug 2018
文章: 45


Candidate Seeks Closer China Ties, Shaking Up Taiwan’s Presidential Race

Han Kuo-yu, the mayor of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, at a rally Saturday in Taipei. He announced this week that he would run for president.CreditCreditDaniel Shih/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
By Chris Horton
June 6, 2019

TAIPEI, Taiwan — A cacophonous sea of tens of thousands of people, dressed in red and waving flags, chanted and blasted air horns here in Taiwan’s capital.

After waiting for hours through rain and seemingly endless speeches, the crowd began cheering ecstatically when Han Kuo-yu, the new star of the opposition Kuomintang, finally arrived. It took him 10 minutes to reach the stage, shaking his clasped hands in appreciation as his admirers crowded him, hoping to get photos.

The rally last weekend was a prelude to Mr. Han’s announcement on Wednesday that he was running for president of Taiwan, jolting the race with a populist candidate who wants friendlier ties with China — a sharp contrast to the incumbent, Tsai Ing-wen, who rejects China’s claim that Taiwan is part of its territory.

“Why are we all here today?” Mr. Han asked the huge crowd, composed largely of retirees bused in from southern and central Taiwan. “Because the Democratic Progressive Party hasn’t improved people’s lives,” he said, referring to Ms. Tsai’s party.
舊 2019-06-07, 07:09 PM #257