Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280
I'll talk to the store manager about the free headphone, if there is nothing they can do, I might return Q100 and get the Q150

Do it, do it!

I read that the Q150 is an improvement over the Q100. Many like the Eye of Sauron look...

很難得加拿大價錢比美國好... 美國還是死豬價... Q150 賣 $550, 那隻耳機 M500 KEF Store 竟然賣 $300... WTF...
I pimp therefore I am
舊 2018-08-25, 12:08 PM #40
Puff Daddy離線中