Junior Member

加入日期: Jun 2002
文章: 991
NIKON這樣算很不錯了,價格雖貴,但對我這C家用戶,以後香爐應該會再多一個。看到機身五軸,呵呵,看看CANON敢不敢不出IBIS的機身,不出整個矮一截。。。。不過這次發表,我想那隻500mm f/5.6 PF是很大亮點,1.5kg,只能說讚~

今天剛拿到唯卓m43轉EF,稍試了除大白兔外的鏡頭,每隻效果在GX85都比我想的還好。GX85機身五軸直接幫我所有鏡頭幾乎解放,拿著手上的十四年的SIGMA 70-200 f/2.8,等效300mm f/2,手持1/30秒還可以成功就很爽,又解決掉這支遠、近拍攝無法同時準焦的大問題(CANON後期機身調焦可以減輕但無法全部解決,又有反光鏡每次拍不穩定的問題)。下台全幅一定要機身五軸,這樣我的24-70/70-200就可以升等24-70/70-200 IS~~~~~
“Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose.” - Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

“Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.” - The Seth Material

“Desire, wish and expectation rules all actions and are the basis of all realities.” - The Seth Material
舊 2018-08-23, 09:11 PM #8