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加入日期: Jun 2002
文章: 991
其實是器材狂熱退燒 只要不太追求邊角畫質,我就繼續用了。24-70L是二代出了才跑去買的,除了鏡頭價差外,濾鏡當時也是考量,想到要再花6-7K買一套CPL/Protector就讓我對二代縮手了。不過24-70要再看到77mm的機會應該不高,等我的24-70L壞了應直換24-105L。
“Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose.” - Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

“Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.” - The Seth Material

“Desire, wish and expectation rules all actions and are the basis of all realities.” - The Seth Material
舊 2018-06-03, 08:43 PM #13