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加入日期: Jan 2013
文章: 6
There are two standard methods of measuring the wealth of countries and how rich or poor its inhabitants are. The measure most often used is Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which represents the size of a country's economy. A refinement of this is per-capita GDP, which is a measure of the average welfare and affluence, or poverty, of residents of a country. However, GDP and per-capita GDP are less useful when comparing economies across national boundaries - which one must do to determine the richest or poorest countries in the world - because GDP is expressed in a country's local currency.


The measure that most economists prefer, therefore, is GDP (PPP) ["GDP based on purchasing power parity"] per capita. GDP (PPP) per capita compares generalized differences in living standards on the whole between nations because PPP takes into account the relative cost of living and the inflation rates of countries , rather than using just exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in income. The indicator measures GDP converted to a common set of prices in a common currency (international dollars, also called Geary-Khamis dollars) so that real quantity comparisons can be made both between countries and over time.

(經濟學家採用GDP (PPP)-以國內生產毛額為基礎的購買能力 更能將不同國家的生活開銷/通貨膨脹 等因素計算進去, 這比單就換算貨幣更能夠真實比較出不同的生活水準)
舊 2015-07-15, 10:43 AM #15