Basic Member

加入日期: Jan 2003
文章: 24
Thank you for this utility. Sorry for writing in english. The translation tool is not working so hot around here.

I have a couple of questions...
1. I am currently thinking of putting a box in taiwan to view tv from US with the use of Beyond tv and this TV control module. I have been using Beyond TV for over two years in US. It looks like this is the only available module that can export XMLTV file format for Beyond TV for epg pickup.

Is there a command line function available to automate the XMLTV export process? I want to setup a scheduler or a service for this export process to run every 5 days.

2. On a side note.... can tv card from us be used in taiwan. I want to use a Hauppauge 500MCE NTSC for taiwan cable tv use. It...

1. 把以下的指令放在一個batch檔,它就會自動下載guide listing和export出一個.xml檔到桌面上,再來就看你怎麼運用了:

cd C:\Program Files\TVControl
CScript download.wsf
Cscript exportxmltv.wsf


2. Hauppauge MCE500可以在台灣用沒問題,台灣的電視標準是跟著美國走的〈除了HD Broadcast,美國是用ATSC,台灣用DVB-T〉。我自己也有一張MCE500,很好用。
舊 2006-03-03, 12:12 AM #79