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Cool [傳輸效能報告] Thecus N7710-G Intel G850+4GB RAM 的 7 Bay 機種

Dear all,

在此分享 Thecus N7710-G 的 Samba 與 NFS 效能報告:Thecus N7710-G File Transfer Performance Report

N7710-G 的 CPU 速度遠高於 Atom,可惜我沒有 10Gb 網路卡可以發揮他的完整效能!


1. QNAP TS-269L
2. Thecus N2310 with 743
3. Thecus N2560
4. QNAP TS-251 with FW0612 + 8GB RAM
5. Thecus N2800

File transfer performance on Thecus N7710-G via Samba with mount command.

File transfer performance on Thecus N7710-G via NFS with mount command.

詳細的測試方法與分析彙整在 Thecus N7710-G File Transfer Performance Report,希望能對網友瞭解性能差異有幫助。

您可以參考 Use BFNP Framework to Optimize your NAS File Transfer Performance 最佳化您的 NAS,或 Use PSP Framework to Choose your NAS 挑選適合的 NAS!

Have a nice day!

Best regards,

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舊 2014-07-11, 05:07 PM #1